Academic Struggles
Western has a number of resources ready to support you. Many students struggle academically at some point during their Western careers; the information below is intended to help direct you to the right option for you.
Options available anytime during the quarter
The Tutoring Center offers drop-in tutoring, tutor-led study groups, and individual study skills tutoring to all WWU students, free of charge. It also offers online resources such as the quarterly calendar and other useful links.
The Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center has professional and peer advisors who can help with a wide range of topics including course planning, registration, choosing a major/minor, understanding academic policies, and assistance with creating an academic plan to meet your goals.
Disability Access Center works with admitted Western students, to ensure equal access to all WWU programs and services. Students partnering with the DAC have a wide variety of disabilities and health conditions. DAC counselors consult and work with students to think through how your condition might impact your educational experience and what documentation is necessary to move the process forward.
Remember that contacting your faculty directly, checking your grades, and getting involved in study groups can help you academically.
For this quarter’s exact dates/deadlines see the Registrar's Office website.
- Online registration ends the fifth day of the quarter. The fifth day is the last day to receive a full refund for a withdrawal (if applicable). Beginning day six, all changes must be done in person at the Registrar’s Office.
- The fifth day of the quarter is the last day to drop a class, online.
- The end of week 2 is the last day to drop a class without using a late withdrawal privilege in person at the Registrar’s Office.
- The middle of week 5 is the deadline for a half refund for tuition only, if applicable (check the Registrar's Office for the exact date).
- Week 3 to the end of week 7 students can use a late withdrawal privilege.
- Each student is granted two annual late withdrawal privileges at the beginning of the academic year in fall quarter. The annual withdrawal privileges can be used during fall, winter, spring or summer quarter. Unused late course withdrawals cannot be used in subsequent years. To use a late withdrawal privilege, a student must go to the Registrar’s Office.
- OR submit a petition for a partial or full Dean’s withdrawal (if applicable).
- End of week 8 is the deadline for petitions for partial Dean’s withdrawals.
- The week prior to finals week (exact day varies quarterly) is the deadline for withdrawal from Western at the Registrar’s Office.