Reporting a Concern or Complaint

If you need to report an emergency, do not use this form but instead call University Police at 360-650-3911, or dial 911. If you wish to report a crime, please contact these same numbers.

Report a Concern or Complaint

If you want to share concerns or make a complaint (including COVID issues) related to a particular Western Washington University student, please select the link below. The information you share is submitted to the Office of Student Life and professional staff review the information and will work to coordinate support for the student to ensure their well-being and success, or initiate the student conduct process when a complaint is made. Members of the Western community can share a concern or make a complaint, and we require contact information in case we need additional or verifying information.

To share a concern or make a complaint, use the form linked above which will direct you to a separate site.

Alternately, you can contact the Office of Student Life at (360) 650-3706 or by email at

If you wish to report a bias incident to the Bias Incident Response Team, or to report discrimination or harassment to Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, please use this Bias or Discrimination Report form.